Victims Advocate
Helpful Information for Crime Victims
VINE Services: Anyone who is a crime victim may you may enroll in a program to help keep you notified of the location of the suspect if he/she is in custody either in a county jail or in prison.(Note: Occasionally some counties and the Department of Corrections information will not be available to VINE.)
Go to the web site and then click on the state you are in. For crimes in Missouri click on the State of Missouri and follow the directions. If someone does not have the Internet they may call 866566-8267 or TTY Users may call 866-847-1298.
VINE Services is free of charge and is very useful for many crime victims.
Local Domestic Violence Hotlines
W.I.N.G.S 660-492-2773
House of Hope 417-399-6744
Moss House 417-667-3733
Once a violent act takes place in a relationship, the violence almost always re-occurs. It tends to get more severe and more frequent as time goes on. This happens even when the abuser apologizes and promises to change after a violent incident.
Before an attack...
Contact the victim advocate to find out what you can do the next time your abuser becomes violent.
To a phone, cash, clothing, and important items such as car title and keys, birth certificates and social security cards for yourself and the children, insurance or Medicaid cards, insurance cards and shot records, records of our spouses income, their birth date, and social security number, a list of family, friends, and doctor's phone numbers, credit cards, blank checks, and bank books. Keep an emergency kit with keys, cash, and essential papers together in an old purse or other small container so that you can easily and quickly grab for it and leave.
During an attack defend and protect yourself…
Scream loudly and continuously. You have nothing of which you should be ashamed. They do.
Escape if you can. Go to a relatives or friend's house or a domestic violence shelter.
The police must now attempt to protect you from further abuse. They will arrest your abuser if they have enough evidence and refer you to the victim advocate who will provide or arrange transportation to a hospital or safe place.
After an attack...
Tell them what happened. Ask them to take pictures of your injuries. Follow the medical options offered.
Even if you do not want your abuser arrested. It will help in the future.
Including medical and police reports, dated photos for the scene and your injuries, torn clothing, any weapons used, and statements from witnesses.
The advocate understands and can provide support, crisis intervention, access to shelter, safety planning, help with Ex Parte Orders of Protection and intercede on our behalf with family, friends, law enforcement, the prosecutor, your employer, and other agencies. The advocate can accompany you to court; keep you informed about case status; and assist in filing Crime Victim Compensation.
-One in four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime.
-One of five high school girls report being abused by a boyfriend.
-In Missouri, 34,183 incidents of intimate partner violence were reported to law enforcement in 2008.
-About half of the incidents of intimate partner violence experienced by women are reported to the police. Of those reported, the offender was immediately arrested only 20 percent of the time.
-The majority of domestic violence victims are women. Females are 84 percent of abuse victims and 86 percent of victims abused by a boyfriend or girlfriend.
-Seventy-five percent of domestic violence victims defend themselves during the attack.
-The percentage of female murder victims killed by a current or former intimate partner has remained at about 30 percent since 1976.
-Intimate partner violence occurs less often between women in same-sex relationships. While 30.4 percent of women in opposite sex relationships have reported similar abuse. However, men in same-sex relationships report intimate partner violence almost twice as often as men in opposite-sex relationships-15 percent as opposed to 7.7 percent.
-In a study of women with disabilities, 56 percent reported abuse. The abuser was their male intimate partner 80 percent of the time.
-Women with unwanted or unplanned pregnancies have four times the odds of experiencing violence by their partners than women with intended pregnancies.
To be present at all criminal proceedings where the defendant has that right.
To confer with the prosecutor regarding bail hearings, guilty pleas, pleadings of insanity, hearings, sentencing and probation revocation hearings.
To be present at any hearing in which the defendant is present before a probation and parole hearing officer and to full participation in all phases of parole hearings or probation revocation hearings.
To be heard at juvenile probation revocation hearings, probation revocation and parole hearings initiated by the board of probation and parole, and release proceedings for persons found guilty by reason of insanity. Victims also may offer a written statement, video or audio tape in lieu of a personal appearance.
To protection from harmful threats from a defendant for activities arising out of cooperation with law enforcement officials, and the right to a secure waiting area during a court proceeding.
To speed disposition of cases and speedy appellate review.
To fair employment rights (including the right of a victim, witness or member of a victim's family not to be discharged or disciplined b an employer for honoring a subpoena or for participating in the preparation of a criminal proceeding).
To regain property from a prosecutor of law enforcement officer once it is no longer needed for evidence or retention during an appeal (within five working days upon request) unless it is contraband or subject to forfeiture proceedings.
To creditor intercession services by the prosecuting attorney if the victim is unable, as a result of the crime, to temporarily meet financial obligations.
To limit compensation for out-of-pocket loss and for qualified medical care necessary as a result of the crime.
The State of Missouri has a fund to reimburse some crime victims for certain losses. You may be eligible for benefits if:
You are a victim of violent crime and suffered personal bodily injury;
You are a relative who requires counseling to better assist a sexual assault victim with recovery;
You are a spouse, child or other dependent of a victim who has died as a direct result of a crime, or you assumed financial obligations incurred as a result of the victim's death; or abused by a boyfriend or girlfriend.
Depending on the case, victim's compensation may be available for medical care, psychiatric treatment or other counseling, funeral expenses and wage loss reimbursement for the victim. Total recovery may not exceed $25,000.
Agencies serving St. Clair County
W.I.N.G.S. Refuge 660-492-2773
House of Hope 417-399-6744
Those outside of St. Clair County, call the National
Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-SAFE (7233).
Staff is available to assist you 24/7.